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Read about one of our funeral teams whose staff room conversation prevented a suicide just days later.


It’s heartbreaking when we have to arrange the funeral of someone who took their own life and unsurprisingly, its a topic of conversation amongst our teams.  When the subject of sigs to look out for was raised, some of our Edinburgh staff were sharing what they knew about suicide prevention.  No-one realised the significance that chat would have only days later.

One of the team was stopped in his tracks when he saw personal belongings of an individual close to the location where a person was about to their own life. Through his quick thinking he intervened and successfully talked the person down.

Talking saves lives – not only of those who feel lost and vulnerable, but also amongst those who can be inspired to help.  Education about what to look for combined with trusting your instincts may encourage someone else to prevent future unnecessary deaths.  For further advice and practical help on suicide prevention contact The Samaritans

Web: http://www.samaritans.org
Twitter: www.twitter.com/sams_scotland